
The Origin behind http://www.maythebesthandwin.com/ …
It all started from a seat at the poker table with everyone greeting each other with good luck but the exception comes when it was boldly mentioned; “Why base your skill on good luck, why don’t you say may the best hand win.”

Welcome to:

Reversal of Fortune, Hope, The American Dream turned Nightmare, New beginnings;  
 Beyond the table if you know of anyone who is dealing with the new economic burden that placed on the "common person" this blog is right for you.  With great sincerity I express the need to say if you need some sort of uplifting connection that may be found here. 

 Readers to this blog will discover the game of poker can translate into more than just a game.  Those who explore our blog may indeed find that life is full of chances waiting to be chosen for play like a paired hand before the flop but the catch remains the same,” you just have to be in it to win it.”

  The point of emphasis is not just on the game of poker, but the idea that it could be more than just a game, bigger than a gamble, and for some a fresh start on life. Strange as it may seem, our blog offers everything mentioned above with no shortcuts.

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